Need to Know
Walking in a group is a fun and safe activity, but it does require a few simple rules to be observed:
- Do not overtake the leader. If the leader needs to stop, those with the leader should also stop. Leaders do not then have to worry about walkers ahead of them taking the wrong route.
- Listen to the instructions and description of the walk given by the leader and during the walk adhere to guidance given by the leader on such items as walking single file or on crossing roads. Failure to follow the instructions can be stressful for the walk leader who is doing his/her best to keep you safe.
- If you join the walk after the start, or wish to leave before the finish, tell the leader or back marker personally so the leader knows the exact number in the party at any given time. Do not ask someone else to do this for you.
- Stiles slow the walk, upon reaching a stile, climb over as quickly as you can and walk clear of the stile area. Follow the leader if they have moved on.
- If the leader says ‘break over in 2 minutes’, be prepared and ready to move off in two minutes. The leader will expect you to be ready to move off as a group when he/she does.
- Do not deviate from the route set by the leader. The leaders know where they’re going and will have prior knowledge of the route. If you deviate and anything untoward happens to you, then you may not be found by a backtracking search. If you need a comfort stop make sure the back marker knows as it is their job to wait for you.
- If you become unwell or tired during a walk, tell someone immediately. Don’t wait until you can’t go any further, by which time you may not be well enough to explain what is wrong. You may just need to rest and recuperate for a while. The chances are, if you’re feeling tired, others will also be tired. If you need a drink and you’ve run out of water, tell someone. In hot weather the leader usually carries a spare bottle of water.
- Please feed back any comments, good or bad, to the walk leader or back marker at the end of the walk as this will help ensure we provide good quality walks for you all to enjoy.